Offering Summary

$ 2.3 B

Total Asset Value
(at fair value)1

$ 1.5 B

Net Asset Value (NAV)



11.2 M

Commercial Sq Ft


Apartment Units


Parking Stalls

97 %

Occupancy Rate


Company Leverage Ratio

6.1 YRS

Average Remaining Lease Term2

Returns Summary1

Class M-IShares

Class MShares

Class A-IShares

Class AShares

Q4 Return (Gross) 1.81% 1.81% 1.81% 1.81%
Q4 Return (Net) 1.71% 1.65% 1.73% 1.47%
2016 YTD RETURN (GROSS) 3.66% 3.66% 3.66% 3.66%
ESTIMATED 2017 YTD RETURN (NET) 3.64% 3.52% 3.51% 3.16%
SINCE INCEPTION RETURN (GROSS)2 8.00% 7.31% 8.00% 7.31%

Distributions Summary3

Class M-IShares

Class MShares

Class A-IShares

Class AShares

ESTIMATED Q2 DISTRIBUTION PER SHARE (NET) $0.124 $0.117 $0.116 $0.097
ESTIMATED YTD DISTRIBUTION PER SHARE (NET) $0.247 $0.234 $0.233 $0.194
Distribution payments are not guaranteed and may be modified at the Company’s discretion. The amount of distributions JLLIPT may make is uncertain. JLLIPT may pay distributions from sources other than operational cash flow, including, without limitation, the sale of assets, borrowings, or offering proceeds. The advisor may defer reimbursements and fees otherwise due, in order to pay these distributions, and when these amounts are paid back to the advisor, that will result in a decrease in cash flow from operations. To date, cumulative distributions have been funded by cash flow from operations.

Tracking Symbols: Shares of JLL Income Property Trust are not listed on any securities exchange and they have limited liquidity.

  1. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns shown reflect the percent change in the NAV per share from the prior period, plus the amount of any distribution paid out in the period. All returns shown in the table are net of Company expenses and advisory fees and assume reinvestment of distributions. Net returns shown are net of applicable share class specific fees. Class A and A-I shares are available for brokerage accounts, subject to suitability requirements. Class M and M-I shares are available through fee-based programs, wrap accounts, registered investment advisors, and other institutional and fiduciary accounts, subject to suitability requirements. See Notes section on back page for share class specific fees. The returns have been prepared using unaudited data and valuations of the underlying investments in the Company’s portfolio, which are done by our independent valuation advisor. Valuations based upon unaudited or estimated reports from the underlying investments may be subject to later adjustments or revisions. The returns are net of all advisory fees (e.g. the fixed and performance advisory fee) and Company expenses (e.g. administration, organization, legal and accounting fees, and transaction expenses) and include capital gains and other earnings. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance quoted herein. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investment may be worth more or less than its original cost. No representation or warranty is made as to the efficacy of any particular strategy or the actual returns that may be achieved.

Portfolio Diversification